734.771.4924 Newport Life Span Massage & Bodywork

Holy Yoga Sessions

Holy Yoga offers an increased mind-body-breath connection, greater flexibility and strength, improved https://ebaconline.com.br/design-ux balance and coordination, and stress relief. Focus on God's love and healing power while gaining all the benefits of yoga.

Cost is $7.00 per session. (one hour class.) Due to limited class sizes, please sign up. If you sign up and are unable to attend, please remove your sign up so others can join in. 

Sign Up Now!

Beginners welcome! Our classes will meet you where you are. Gentle stretching. Christ focused. 

When? Tues @ 7:00 P.M. & Thur @ 10:00 A.M.  Please bring a yoga mat and water bottle. (optional: towel or blanket, yoga block, yoga strap). Yoga mats are available to rent at $2 per session. 

Please arrive 5-10 min. prior to the session. Welcome to the Life Span studio!

Laura Baker leads this session. New to Yoga? Have Chronic Pain? Low Range of Motion? This holy yoga session is for you.  Focus on breathing, elongating the spine, slower movements, strengthening your core, balance and stretching. A bible verse is shared and prayer for healing.

The Mission Statement of Holy Yoga...

Mission Statement

Holy Yoga is an experiential worship created to deepen people's connection to Christ. Our sole purpose is to facilitate a Christ honoring experience that offers an opportunity to believers and non-believers alike to authentically connect to God through His Word, worship, and wellness. Holy Yoga exists to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth through the modality of yoga.